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Is Excel hardware or software? -

por John Cabral (15/06/2020)

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Excel is software.

Is hardware or software used in Excel?
Microsoft Excel is itself software, so you are using software when you are using it. All software pulsa uses the hardware of the computer, and you would be using your keyboard, mouse and screen, which are all hardware, as you use Excel. If you printed something from Excel, you would be using hardware too. Excel, works with the operating system and it is the operating system that works with the hardware. So Excel does not work...

Is Microsoft Excel hardware or software?
It's a software, Microsoft (Word, Access, Excel, Power point ...etc.) are all software.

Microsoft Excel is not Hardware - what is it?
It is software. In particular it is an electronic spreadsheet application software.

Which are not software Excel Flash drive Powerpoint or Word?
A flash drive is hardware.

Is Microsoft Excel a computer software?
Yes, Microsoft Excel is one example of computer software. Software is anything which enables or helps the computer to run which is just code, with no physical substance. Software is stored on and processed by hardware. Hardware is any physical device which makes up a computer, like a hard drive or cooling fan.

Can Excel be used for data storage?
Excel files will have data in them, so in that way they are storing data. Excel is not a disk or USB key or other such data storage devices. It is software, not hardware.

Does application software such as Microsoft Excel manipulates the computer hardware directly?
Applications interact with the operating system. It is the operating system that works directly with the hardware.

Is Microsoft Excel a software system?
Excel is a software system, but not systems software. It is applications software.

Is Microsoft Excel is a software?
Yes, Microsoft Excel is software.

How does hardware interact with software?
It is the software which interacts with the hardware. But at the sametime the hardware also interact with the software by responding to it.

Is a DVD a hardware or software?
A DVD itself is hardware but it may contain software. You can touch hardware but not software.

What is the relationship of computer software and computer hardware?
The computer software tells the hardware what to do. Without the hardware, the software would not exist. Without the software, the hardware would be useless.

Is excel a software?
Yes. Microsoft Excel is an example of computer software.

Is Excel an example of system software?
No. Excel is an example of applications software.

What was first software or hardware?
Have to be hardware. How could you write software if there were no hardware to write it on?

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