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5 Ways Team Fundraising Helps You Develop a Better Team

por Franziska Whatley (10/02/2020)

Copyright (c) 2008 AIM Fundraising

There is more to a team fundraising campaign than simply reaching your goal. Through the process your players will learn some valuable lessons that will help them in their personal growth and development. Also, if run properly a team fundraising campaign can even help coaches bring the team together while working toward a common goal off the field.

While they may not be apparent on the surface here are 5 benefits of participating in a well organized team sports fundraising campaign.

1.) Personal Growth

Your players will expand their personal growth by learning self confidence, ______ self-esteem, and resiliency. They will develop more maturity and learn independence while gaining a better perspective of themselves and the world around them. Working in this environment fosters development of practical life skills and communication as well as problem solving and stress management practices. Often times just the fact that your players have an individual goal that they then work to accomplish make great strides in helping them mature as individuals and as team members.

2.) Teamwork

Your volunteers are already part of a sports team and therefore understand teamwork. Everyone working together on the fundraiser can serve to reinforce this understanding. If you cherished this report and you would like to acquire additional information pertaining to ________ kindly go to our own web page. They will gather that if the idea of teamwork succeeds in sports then teamwork will succeed in other endeavors as well.

3.) Goals

Volunteering in a fundraiser will teach players that goal setting is a powerful force that makes a huge difference in outcomes. Goal setting and the accomplishment of them, help your players to understand the goal setting process. They can learn that properly set goals can not only build self confidence but can be motivating as well. Fundraising is an excellent teacher in the art of setting goals, both long and short term, and how to achieve them.

4.) Value of Volunteering

The value of volunteerism is immeasurable. Not only will your players learn that volunteering can be fun they will also learn that it can be rewarding in its own right. They will learn new skills, get a taste of career possibilities, and have an opportunity to do something outside of themselves and feel good about the accomplishment.

5.) Sales Experience

Regardless of our chosen profession we use sales tactics every day. Our way of life has it's foundation on the fact that we sell or trade one item or another. Sales experience is something that each and every one of us use in our daily lives. Even if you go to work from 9 to 5 in a factory you are selling your labor for cash and _________ you have to sell someone on the prospect of hiring you to do that job. Learning effective sales techniques is imperative to get the most out of our lives.

There can be much more going on in a team fundraising campaign than simply raising money for a particular purpose. It can also entail personal growth and development. When you are running your events and ________ promotions remember that your kids are learning some valuable life lessons.