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The Lumo Lift is a compact wearable fitness tracker for your posture

por Collin Gamble (29/12/2019)

id="cnetReview" section="rvwBody" data-component="indepthReview"> The Lumo Lift addresses a metric that few other wearable fitness trackers up to this point have, that being your posture. It does this by resting against your upper torso (or décolletage), using hardware sensors and algorithms to measure your body's alignment. Every time you put it on, you calibrate it, telling jasa perbaikan home lift what posture you want to maintain -- whether that's perfectly upright, or slightly slouchy.

Then, throughout the day, the tracker keeps track of how often you stay in that posture and when you deviate from it. You can see your progress, as well as your step count and distance, in the Lift app available for iOS and Android.