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How do you say German Boy in German language

por Kathlene Desmond (21/08/2019)

Deutsch Junge is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

Say how are you in German language?
We say 'Wie geht's?' to 'How are you?' in German language.

How do you say nerd in German?
For "nerd" the German language has a lot of designations: "Streber" if it's a boy, and "Streberin" if it's a girl, or "Außenseiter" for a boy, "Außenseiterin" for scharniere fur glasturen mobel a girl. Also the term "Langweiler" or "Langweilerin" is appropriate

What Language is the boy in the stripped pajamas written in?
German Obviously Because They Are German!

How do you say the nationality of German for a boy and a girl in french?
Allemand (german boy) Allemande (german girl)

How do you say Edward Cullen in German?
German is not a language.

How do you say German language in German?
Deutsche Sprache

How do you say boy in German?
English: "the boy" means in German: "der Junge" or "der Knabe".

How do you say French language in the language of German?
"Französisch Sprache."

How do you say boy in Africa?
To say the word 'boy' in Africa, you would first need to choose a language. In south Africa, you might just say 'boy' but in the Swahili language, you would say 'mvulana.'

How do you say mistletoe in Austrian?
There is no such language as Austrian. German is the main language spoken in Austria. Mistel is the German for Mistletoe.

How do you say girl in German language?
German words for Girl Maedchen

How you say please in German language?
'Bitte' means please in German.

How do you say the word English in the German language?
English is Englisch in german.

How do you say she speaks German in the German language?
"Sie spricht Deutsch".

How do you say Amanda in German?
Names of people are not involved in the German language.

How do you say housewife in German language?
The German word for housewife is Hausfrau

How do you say hundred in German language?
You would say "Hundert"

How do you speak German language?
With learning, like every language. Some say German seems to be more guttral a language than others though

How do you say have a boy in German?
you have a boy = du hast einen Jungen

How do you say beautiful boy in German?
beautiful boy = schöner Junge

How do you say 'German' in Japanese?
As in the language, "doitsugo.' As in the people, 'doitsujin.'

How do you say library in German language?
library means Bücherei or Bibliothek in german.

How do you say hello in a in German?
Hallo. Very simple German is my favorite language.

How do you say Brick in the German language?

How do you say friendship in the German language?

How do you say boy in Australia?
"Boy". English is the official language there.

How can you say the new language in German?
The new language = Die neue Sprache

How do you say German language in french?
We would say «langue allemande».

How do you say good boy in German?
Good boy translates as Guter Junge

How do you say number nine in German language?
"Neun" is the German word for the number nine.

How do you say todd in German?
Uh, there's no German language of "Todd." The name is Todd.

How do you say bad luck in German?
bad luck in German language mean[pech]

How do you say 'I am learning German' in German language?
Ich lerne Deutsch.

How do you say '' boy'' in German?
"Junge" would be the correct way to say "boy" auf Deutsch.

How do you say turtle in every language?
German : Schildkröte

How do you say you're welcomed in German language?

How do you say Booker in German language?
Der Disponent

How do you say Girl Scounts in the German language?

How do you say thank you in German language?
Danke schön

How do you say soccer practice in German language?

How do you say regional language in German?
Dialekt, Mundart

How you say language in German?
Sprache.. This also means speech or language.. Either one..

How do you say hop in German language?
hüpfen is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

How do you say Saint in German Language?
Heilige is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

How do you say and language in German?
und Sprache is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

How do you say Ransom in the German language?
Lösegeld is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

How do you say strong boy in German?
starker Junge

How do you say dirty boy in German?
böser junge

How do you say boy and girl in German?
boy- der Junge girl- das Mädchen

How do you say 'Good morning' in the German language?
In German, you'd say "Guten Morgen" for "Good morning" in English.

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