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Eco friendly Beauty Care for Women

por Gerald Antle (07/01/2024)

Our skin and body ae exposed t wide variety f chemicals eery ay in t soaps, shampoos, deodorants, moisturisers, cosmetics, perfumes and n the toothpaste s. On average u bout 12 products ay!

T toxic build could detrimental t ur health s ell s t environment. f u think bout t amount f soaps nd ther chemicals tht wash wn th plug hole everyday nd nd p in ur waterways, t' more tan a ittle scary; especially when ou onsider tt water sustains th animals, plants nd fish tht digest and eventually cycles nto th water drink.

Many cosmetic companies till nt list ery ingredient in their products, and fragrance companies dnt ctually ave t. S w a t the mercy f t products tht choose t purchase nd . If u nything like m, I plan t live a healthy and ong life and t last thing ant t i ingest lead a lick m freshly painted lips, r acquire a horrible disease from absorbing nasty chemicals through m skin.

n th ages tt follow, yu ill find a vast array f products tat believe t safer alternatives. e tried t cover most product types and tried and tested a few. f u ome cross a product hich u think s t bees knees, lt s now and ll share t ith veryone.

n th meantime ere s ome info yu might ant t ok nto:

Skin Deep Cosmetics Database - Search more tn 65,000 products t see how they rate.
Wat n ur cosmetic products? - Learn bout products tt u should be most worried bout and hich t avoid.
campaign fr safe cosmetics - Watch T Story f Cosmetics, a 7-minute film exposing th ugly truth bout personal care products, brought t b Annie Leonard from Free Range Studios.
Ingredients t void (Article oming oon!) n the meantime eep aay from these: parabens - preservatives commonly sed n cosmetics, talc, artificial r synthetic fragrances, lead, phthalates, dimethicone, manganese, bismuth oxychloride, chemical dyes, mineral oil (petroleum-derived oil tt suffocates th skin nd clogs pores) nd propylene glycol (MSDS alled humectant n cosmetics which actually n "industrial anti-freeze" and t major ingredient n brake nd hydraulic fluid. Propylene Glycol n ause liver abnormalities nd kidney damage, sodium fluoride (MSDS) - sed in rat poison nd toothpaste, methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens (sed a preservative t inhibit microbial growth and extend shelf life) an ause allergic reactions nd skin rashes, (preliminary research ha found parabens n human breast cancer tumors), diethanolamine (DEA), triethanolamine (TEA), sodium lauryl nd propylene glycol.