Physico-biological characteristics and environmental problems of the rio araguaia alluvial plain, central brazil


  • Edgardo M. LATRUBESSE Universidade Guarulhos - UnG
  • José Cândido STEVAUX Universidade Guarulhos - UnG


The vegetation typologies in the alluvial plains of the middle Araguaia River present a pattern of distribution determined by the channel dynamic and type of sediments of the different units of the alluvial plain. The purpose of this study is to present a method for understanding of the type and evolution of vegetation typology under control of fluvial processes. Between 1965 and 1997, the action of the erosive processes in the channel banks consumed the alluvial plain and removed especially the arboreal vegetation. On the other hand, the high rates of sedimentation contributed to the formation of new geomorphologic units which are colonized mainly by herbaceous species.



How to Cite

LATRUBESSE, E. M., & STEVAUX, J. C. (2007). Physico-biological characteristics and environmental problems of the rio araguaia alluvial plain, central brazil. Revista Geociências - UNG-Ser, 5(1), 65–73. Retrieved from


