The social responsibility in performance


  • Antonio Carlos ESTENDER Universidade Guarulhos - UnG
  • Nilza Aparecida S. SIQUEIRA Universidade Guarulhos - UnG


This research paper presents the study of a case of a company committed to the practice of social responsibility. It also has the intention to collaborate in the dissemination of the concepts involved in a project whose amplitude displays some viable, concrete and strategical alternatives of solidary and income-producing performance to the country. This socially responsible company is inserted in the community and it brings a new element into the society: the enterprise citizenship and the corporative social responsibility. Companies social actions have gained an unusual dimension. They have become actions of strategical nature, with defined centered focus in the customers, the economy and the market.



How to Cite

ESTENDER, A. C., & SIQUEIRA, N. A. S. (2007). The social responsibility in performance. Revista Terceiro Setor & Gestão De Anais - UNG-Ser - ISSN 1982-3290, 1(1), 14–21. Retrieved from


