Afro-Brasilian Populations and Athinic Inclusion A state of affairs analysis


  • Osvaldo José da SILVA Universidade Guarulhos - UnG


Due to a didatic matter, we present some aspects of the national state of affairs and we analyse separatedly the three sceneries: economic scenary, politic scenary and social scenary. The aim of this paper is to demark the present national history from the point of view of the Black. Why is it a Black’s point of view? We sistematically find in the communication media, in a general manner, lots of shades in the state of affairs analysis. When we turn on the radio in a daily basis, in most of the broadcast stations, we listen to advertisings, or news about the dollar rate or variations of the economy, as a rule, based on statistic datas from certain economic sources. at the time we arrive home after a journey of surviving, we watch the evening TV news, and the daily news as well. Specific economy sections from daily or weekly newspapers and magazines offer analysis about the economic capitalist system, known as “market” from economists and experts. We find a real story in these forms of presenting society’s everyday life, as if it were a contemporary fairy-tale.



How to Cite

SILVA, O. J. da. (2007). Afro-Brasilian Populations and Athinic Inclusion A state of affairs analysis. Revista Terceiro Setor & Gestão De Anais - UNG-Ser, 1(1), 29–33. Retrieved from


