External causes: what they are, how they affect the health sector, how they can be measured, and a few subsidies to prevent them.


  • Maria Helena Prado de Mello JORGE USP
  • Maria Sumie KOIZUMI Universidade Guarulhos
  • Vanessa Luiza TONO USP


Mello Jorge MHP, Koizumi MS, Tuono VL. External causes: what they are, how they affect the health sector, how they can be measured, and a few subsidies to prevent them. Currently, the external causes represent a great problem in public health: their mortality and morbidity are high; they reach young age groups and account for significant expenses for the public sector. The combination of accidents and violences that compose them are predictable and preventable, and this is why they can and must be faced. The national policy to reduce them presents guidelines that can be adopted not only by the health sector, but also by correlated areas.



How to Cite

JORGE, M. H. P. de M., KOIZUMI, M. S., & TONO, V. L. (2007). External causes: what they are, how they affect the health sector, how they can be measured, and a few subsidies to prevent them. Revista Saúde - UNG-Ser - ISSN 1982-3282, 1(1), 37–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.ung.br/index.php/saude/article/view/67

